Get REA's Nursing School Entrance Exam Flashcard Book and Get into the Nursing School of Your Choice! 400 must-study questions and answers! The health care industry is booming. With the ever-growing demand for qualified medical professionals, there are numerous career opportunities available in the nursing field. Qualified nurses are needed in hospitals, assisted living facilities, and in the home healthcare industry. REA's Nursing School Entrance Exam Flashcard Book with TestWare CD helps you check your test-readiness before taking your exam. It's a great way to prepare for a variety of nursing-related tests, including the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills), NET, NLN PAX-RN, PSB-RN, and C-NET-RN. Our flashcard book comes with an interactive CD and offers a quick and convenient way to practice answering must-know questions. The 400 flashcards offer test questions in a multiple-choice format and provide detailed explanations of answers for each question. REA's on-the-go study supplement is packed with more than 400 must-study questions and covers the four test categories found on nursing school entrance exams: science, mathematics, verbal ability, and reading comprehension. This TestWare Edition with CD contains 4 timed quizzes to challenge test-readiness and 4 full-color anatomy charts. Fully indexed, this flashcard book is the perfect study tool for anyone pursuing a nursing career!