Shattering the tired old cliches about older people, Great Myths of Aging utilizes current research to explore the myths, generalizations, and anti-aging stereotypes associated with the elderly.
If you think aging is all about memory loss, hearing aids, and walkers—think again. Most of what society tells us about aging and older adulthood is simply not true for most people. Armed with the most up-to-date research and scientific evidence, Great Myths of Aging dispels the myriad myths, misconceptions, and “anti-aging” stereotypes. The authors explore the origins and evolution of the common stereotypes about the elderly, both the negative ones (old people are withdrawn and grouchy) as well as the positive ones (with age comes wisdom). While writing with humor and verve, the authors also highlight the serious side of our unexamined beliefs: that deep hurt and damage can be caused when we take these myths as true. Great Myths of Aging sets the record straight on the elderly by revealing how so much of the stereotypical thinking on the topic is, well, getting old.
Great Myths of Aging looks at the generalizations and stereotypes associated with older people and, with a blend of humor and cutting-edge research, dispels those common myths.