HTML - Foundation of Web Basics, Basic Page Structure, Page Content Creation, Content Structure, HTML Page Layouts with Header, Aside, Content, Articles and Footer.
CSS - Purpose of CSS, Syntax of CSS, Types of CSS, 12 Types of CSS Rules, CSS Precedence, Design Website with CSS and HTML...
JAVASCRIPT - Introduction to JavaScript, Learn JavaScript Language, Expressions & Statements, Working with Functions, Objects, Events, DOM, Finding Elements on Page, Changing the DOM and Form Validations...
PHP - PHP Basics, Data Type Basics, Expressions, Statements, Exceptions, Files, Arrays, Namespaces, Date and Time, Forms, Sessions, Cookies and many projects to work with.
MySQL - MySQL Basics, How to Work with PHPMyAdmin, SQL Statements, MySQL with PDO Library, MySQL with MySQLi and Live Projects.
WORDPRESS - WordPress Basics, WordPress - Gravatar - Akismet Accounts Creation, WordPress Installation, Purchase Domain, Configure Domain, Purchase Web Space, Install WordPress Themes, Plugins, Creating Posts, Creating Pages, Categories, Tag and Build a Complete Website from Scratch