A collection of best practices and effective implementation recommendations that are proven to work, Secure, Resilient, and Agile Software Developmentleaves the boring details of software security theory out of the discussion as much as possible to concentrate on practical applied software security for practical people. Written to aid your career as well as your organization, the book shows how to gain skills in secure and resilient software development and related tasks. The book explains how to integrate these development skills into your daily duties, thereby increasing your professional value to your company, your management, your community, and your industry. Secure, Resilient, and Agile Software Developmentwas written for the following professionals:
With a detailed look at Agile and Scrum software development methodologies, this book explains how security controls need to change in light of an entirely new paradigm on how software is developed. It focuses on ways to educate everyone who has a hand in any software development project with appropriate and practical skills to Build Security In. After covering foundational and fundamental principles for secure application design, this book dives into concepts, techniques, and design goals to meet well-understood acceptance criteria on features an application must implement. It also explains how the design sprint is adapted for proper consideration of security as well as defensive programming techniques. The book concludes with a look at white box application analysis and sprint-based activities to improve the security and quality of software under development.