Sophisticated, simple “Bible” for long-term investors, especially those in or approaching retirement
In just 10 short, accessible, and inviting chapters, Rethinking Investing: A Very Short Book on Very Long-Term Investing presents straightforward steps that ordinary people can take to better invest their money. This book dispels myths about the value of investment managers, highlights emotional tendencies that can cloud our financial judgment, explains why index funds are a savvy choice, and reveals secrets like why it’s better to wait until age 70 to receive Social Security benefits—along with the calculations that make this decision crystal-clear.
Written by renowned investor and popular author Charley Ellis, this must-read resource shows you how to set yourself up for investment success in three easy steps, with information on:
Rethinking Investing: A Very Short Book on Very Long-Term Investing is an essential read for long-term investors who want to start getting more from their money, especially those in or approaching retirement seeking to secure happier outcomes later in life.