"Divine Union of the Masculine and Feminine" is a powerful, detailed look at the masculine and feminine dynamic in our society. Inclusive of all genders and orientations, Katrina Bos details how we have become unbalanced within ourselves, and gives us methods to rebalance our inner masculine and feminine in order to become whole - the key to finding inner bliss. From this blissful place within, we are able to shift into our natural polarity, whether masculine or feminine, and merge with another soul in divine union. Katrina takes us on a joyous intimate journey through the possibilities this polarizing can bring to our lovemaking and intimate relationships. Packed with stories from Katrina's personal journey, as well as introspective exercises for the reader to use to dig deep within themselves, this book is a fabulous guide for anyone looking to improve and deepen their personal and intimate relationships, and elevate them to a cosmic level. Highly recommended!” MELISA GLASSFORD