A humorous but no-nonsense account of the near-year the author spent experiencing successful treatment for prostate cancer. A needle-nose summary of its contents would be "Discovery, The Shots, The TURP, Radiation, Incontinence, No Flow, Another Cut, and Victory (I think)." To better understand Gordon's account, this is his book's Table of Contents: (1) Discovery-but what's a prostate? (2) Damn, what do I do now? (The Shots and the TURP) (3) Radiation: Will I really glow in the dark? (4) Every day is a fry day, (5) Is the radiation short-circuiting my brain? (6) This cancer is a real confidence eater, (7) A one-day reprieve, (8) The weekly doctor tell-all, (9) Incontinence? I can't run fast enough... (10) Hasta luego, radiator! (11) No flow! (12) Even Governor Brown is trying it out, (13) Another cut, (14) Happy 2013-I can pee again! (15) Whew!, and (16) Victory (I think). Burgett's off-beat view of being a patient-worse yet, one who peed invisibly almost any place anytime, until nature, time, his urologist, and some magic pills mercifully intervened-is directed at any male "chosen" to harshly host man's second most prevalent disease. It's also written for their spouses, kids, parents, and arm-distance friends. In other words, almost everybody. Gordon had most of the usual treatments, told the usual lies, and slept next to the washroom (and sometimes woke up in it), yet he also kept his publishing business alive, wrote articles and books, bemused "please-don't-touch" buddies, and spoke to unaware groups (in public). In other words, take a read so that if you too live (and don't die) by the PSA you'll know what's up, what sounds awful but isn't much, what nobody mentions but actually is kind of awful, and a nifty, little-known regimen to use when you must urinate through a hole smaller than a pin prick for weeks. No tongue-twisting technical terms either. Burgett is 75 and if he can walk across hot, malignant coals and still have cold feet, you can too. Here's the inside stuff...