You want to deliver an excellent digital workplace experience—but how? Forget everything you thought you knew about IT satisfaction. Completely satisfying your digital employees isn't a matter of more surveys, comparing yourself to what you see on the Internet, or trying to delight them.
So what is it, then? Hank Marquis, IT satisfaction and quality of experience guru and IT tech exec, will enlighten you.
His new book, Completely Satisfied, shows you how to find your IT solutions' "experience sweet spot" and deliver that IT experience to those who need it. Having spent years as an IT executive (in IT C-level roles) and a consultant (helping hundreds of IT leaders), Marquis speaks with authority about leading with satisfaction to improve digital employee IT experiences.
Sprinkled with witty anecdotes and illuminating IT case studies, Marquis' book is as entertaining as it is enlightening. Among the invaluable lessons you'll learn are the following:
Whether you're an IT or HR leader, entrepreneur, marketer, or business executive struggling to increase employee satisfaction, and customer loyalty, improve retention, and lower costs, Marquis' insights will help you find IT satisfaction so your employees and customers can too.