This book will be a turning point in your life. That's because the unlikely source for these stories and their many lessons come from a great turning point in America’s history: a huge battle that took place in a little Pennsylvania town in the summer of 1863. This book transports you to America’s greatest battle and turns it into your personal classroom where you will explore who you are and who you can become.
Each story is designed to answer one question: “How can I benefit from what this person did at Gettysburg?” Gettysburg is no longer simply the site of a famous Civil War battle, or a landscape collection of old cannons and monuments, but as demonstrated here, it’s a formula for your own success.
“Hemphill's writing style is lucid and succinct, and the rapid fire, short-bursts of information, examples, and applications can be read in small doses to allow the reader to dwell on each story and find practical self-applications. The book can be read in daily journal format, with one or two stories at a time to challenge the reader to excel
and emulate the example.”
Scott Mingus, Sr Scientist and Civil War Author
“A refreshingly positive human approach to a topic often inundated with scientific inquiry. Thanks for putting ‘people’ back into Leadership!”
Capt Edward J. Rogers, Command Leadership School, Naval War College, Newport, RI
“I find the style very simple, easy to read and enjoyable. I find the ‘lessons’ to be right on target.”
Richard White,Exec VP, Bayer Corporation
“This is a really interesting and useful book. The author takes one of the most fascinating chapters in U.S. history, the battle of Gettysburg, and draws important insights for today’s business managers and employees. While military and civilian technologies have changed dramatically, human nature hasn’t."
Nick Perna, Economist & frequent guest on PBS’s The News Hour
“...useful lessons about addressing a variety of problems and challenges in life...excellent examples and explained well...will assist the general layperson’s appreciation of the battle.”
Gary Gallagher, Civil War historian, University of Virginia
“Paul Lloyd Hemphill has done a great job in showing that there is a spark of greatness in each of us. [This book] shows a lot of sparks and the enormous influence that each of those sparks, in action, can have.”
Brace E. Barber, Author of No Excuse Leadership
“...the reader gets a fabulous history lesson while being inspired. In addition to the mainstream appeal of this book, I think every history class should use this book as a tool to teach about this important battle.”
Cynthia Kersey, Author of “Unstoppable” and motivational speaker
“Overall I found it interesting and very readable. I liked the use of short vignettes that could easily be read by a busy manager as part of a continuing professional/personal development program.”
Major Benjamin Webb, Instructor at West Point
“...extremely interesting... Putting information into such a concise form is really an art form. I can write anything in 4,000 words. Doing it in 400 takes incredible skill.”
Edward Steers, Author and Lincoln scholar
“This book is like a massage for the soul. It reverberates to the heart of human nature and invigorates the hero in us all.”
Andie Custer, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide