Please note that this book contains a summary of the original content, which is a condensation of the key ideas and information found in the original book.
Therefore, it is recommended to read the original book for a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the topics discussed.
This summary is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the original book.
Summary of Minority Rule by Ari Berman: The Right-Wing Attack on the Will of the People—and the Fight to Resist It
Minority Rule is a compelling account of the decades-long efforts by reactionary white conservatives to undermine democracy and entrench their power. The crisis began with Donald Trump's 2020 election attempt and continues through voter suppression, election subversion, gerrymandering, dark money, court takeovers, and whitewashing of history. The book exposes the long history of the conflict between white supremacy and multiracial democracy, which has reached a fever pitch today, and the inspiring story of resistance to these regressive efforts.