This book is a basic introduction to the field of autistic spectrum disorders. It is primarily aimed at parents who have learnt that their son or daughter has an autistic condition but it would also be useful for professional workers who are beginning to work in this area. I hope that some people who know, or suspect, that they may have an autistic spectrum disorder would find it helpful. The first part of the book describes in some detail the development from infancy and the pattern of skills and behaviour that can be seen in autistic disorders. Although there are many variations, autistic spectrum disorders have in common problems affecting socal interaction, communication and the develoment of imagination, associated with a narrow and repetitive pattern of interests and activities. I have described in some detail the many different forms that these problems can take. In the second part of the book, I have suggested ways of helping children and adults with autistic spectrum disorders cope with everyday life. Being both a parent of a grown-up daughter with typical autism and a professional working in the field, I feel I have the advantage of seeing both points of view. I have tried to write in plain English without jargon and to tell it like it is.