Perfecting the craft of public speaking is like perfecting other crafts. You have to know what tools are available to you, how to use them and use them as often as possible. A carpenter, an electrician and a plumber all have a unique set of tools that they use to deliver their craft. Most of them have a favourite tool or tools that they find are most effective. The same is true for public speaking. Everyone has a Speaker’s Tool Box. It is with you no matter where you go, whom you speak to, or how many you speak to. Learn to recognize what is in your personal toolbox; what tools work best for you and how to use them to improve your personal effectiveness. Public speaking does not simply consist of speaking words to an audience. Use the tools you have available to give your words life and meaning. The tools and concepts identified in this book are universal. They apply whether you have an audience of one or one thousand. Use the tools in your "Speaker’s Tool Box" to become a better speaker and develop your unique style.