The 12 Stages of Healing is an extraordinary new approach to healing the mind and body. Dr. Epstein, founder and creator of Network Spinal, offers fascinating insights into the complex relationship between mind, emotions, and body, and shows us how to promote greater health in our bodies and harmony in our relationships.
Have you, or someone you love, experienced . . .
· A recurring sickness, healing crisis, or life-threatening illness?
· A feeling of emptiness and longing for no apparent reason?
· A major trauma, emotional hardship, or life-changing event?
· A feeling of being stuck in a pattern of self-destructive behavior?
After observing thousands of people in both private practice and public seminars, Dr. Epstein discovered 12 basic rhythms, or stages of consciousness, shared by all humanity. Each stage of healing has a distinct “rite of passage” that helps us to reunite with aspects of ourselves that are traumatized, alienated, forgotten, abused, shamed, or unforgiven. Each stage also has a characteristic pattern of breath, movement, and touch that can help us to reconnect with the natural, internal rhythms of our body, and experience a greater sense of joy and well-being.
“Donald Epstein is an extraordinary healer. In my 25 years of traveling the globe, I’ve never seen anyone who is able to produce the impact he does in such a short period of time. He opens our hearts to new possibilities for individuals and humanity.” — Tony Robbins, Peak Performance Coach and best-selling author of Unlimited Power
About the Authors
Donald M. Epstein, D.C. is the founder and developer of Somato Respiratory Integration and Network Spinal Analysis, both revolutionary modalities promoting enhanced well-being. A 1977 graduate of New York Chiropractic College, Dr. Epstein created two successful practices in New York, where he first began developing his models of health, healing and wellness. In the early 1980s he began teaching wellness, developmental and transformational programs, which he now teaches internationally to thousands of practitioners.
Dr. Epstein’s methodologies are researched at universities, have been published extensively in professional journals, incorporated into post graduate programs in several disciplines and have been featured on television, magazines and newspapers around the world. Dr. Epstein serves on several boards, and has also presented testimony to the White House Commission of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine.
For those seeking revolutionary and practical means of advancing their human condition, Dr. Donald Epstein has been considered for over 25 years to be one of the true visionaries of growth and human potential. He lives in Boulder, Colorado with his wife Jackie. Together, they are committed to creating a global change through the transformation of individuals, families, communities, and nations.
Nathaniel Altman has written over fifteen books on diet, philosophy, and holistic health. His titles include Everybody’s Guide to Chiropractic Health Care (Tarcher, 1990), What You Can Do About Asthma (Dell, 1991), and Sacred Trees (Sierra Club Books, 1994). He lives in Brooklyn, New York.