Seven years of collected observations on the post-prime period of Roger Federer's tennis career, from 2011 to June of 2017. Federer exists in a unique tennis universe on many levels, and so it is that a "post-prime" period with only two major championships has nevertheless become luminous, dazzling, inspiring, and successful beyond many realistic expectations. Federer might not win majors with great regularity this decade, but he has still raised the bar for older male tennis players, extending his own career while showing the rest of the ATP Tour that it can do the same thing.
This collection of Federer essays captures a period of great accomplishment and triumph, even in the face of defeats handed down by Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. It does not represent the whole story of Federer's career, but offers a revealing glimpse inside an elite athlete's refusal to go gently into that good night.