Illustrated w1th over 250 photographs, Practical Self-Defense offers an 1n depth look at self defense tcchn1ques w1th tips strategies, and scenarios that can help new students to develop the skills they need. Based on Kyokushin Karate, th1s book presents bas1c techniques including:
Throws and takedowns
Punches, k1cks, and strikes
Ground techniques and fighting
Escapes from holds and grabs
Distancing and body and foot movements
Practical Self-Defense also covers how to prepare yourself for an attack; how to respond to attacks in unique situations , such as in a car, on a plane, or in a restaurant;and how to defend yourself using everyday items, such as a book, a magazine, a hairbrush, or a pen. Presented in an easy-to-follow manner, this book is an authoritative and thorough introduction to self-defense training.