In Engineering Design Graphics with Autodesk Inventor 2020, award-winning CAD instructor and author James Bethune shows students how to use Autodesk Inventor to create and document drawings and designs. The author puts heavy emphasis on engineering drawings and on drawing components used in engineering drawings such as springs, bearings, cams, and gears. It shows how to create drawings using many different formats such as .ipt, .iam, ipn, and .idw for both English and metric units. It explains how to create drawings using the tools located under the Design tab and how to extract parts from the Content Center.
Chapter test questions help students assess their understanding of key concepts. Sample problems, end-of-chapter projects, and a variety of additional exercises reinforce the material and allow students to practice the techniques described. The content of the book goes beyond the material normally presented in an engineering graphics text associated with CAD software to include exercises requiring students to design simple mechanisms. This book includes the following features: