In Standard Catalog of Pontiac 1926-2002, collectors can speed through thousands of listings to obtain specifications, production data, and serial number information for their favorite Pontiacs. Every Pontiac model ever made from1926 to 2002 is listed, along with the predecessors to Pontiac, the Oakland cars produced from 1908-1931.bulletlistbulletOver 500 photographs help collectors clearly identify the Pontiacs through the years. Current collector values are provided in six grades of condition./bulletbulletThousands of listings of Pontiacs made from 1926-2002; includes new listings for models made from 1996 to 2002 including Bonneville SSEi, Grand Prix GTP, Ram Air Firebirds, Aztec and Vibe/bulletbulletSpecifications, production data, serial number information, and much more; and, features coverage of Oakland cars produced from 1908-1931/bullet