Do you want to discover how to guide people in the right direction by recognising their emotions?
Do you wonder why some people are progressing faster in their career than you, even when they seem less smart?
Do you want to learn how to manage people more effectively, so you can cut your workweek from 60 hours to 40 hours or less?
Then keep reading…
A recent study in Career Builder shows that 71% of the hiring managers said: ´An employee´s Emotional Intelligence (or EQ), is more important than their IQ´. 75% of them even said they were more likely to promote a high-EQ employee than a high IQ employee.
Which is why … since it was first labeled by professor Daniel Goleman in his 1995 best seller, Emotional Intelligence … more and more evidence shows that your EQ has a bigger influence on your success as a leader than your IQ.
And luckily, it´s a skill that can be acquired without months of studying.
Even if your empathy regarding other people´s feelings isn´t quite like Gandi´s or Mother Theresa´s. The everyday examples from the office floor, will give you the tools and techniques to recognise and react to those emotions as a successful leader.