A perfect complement to the Healthy Weight & Body Image CD and MP3 , this compelling hypnosis for losing weight also serves as a stand-alone therapeutic tool and sleep aid, designed to enhance and deepen restorative nighttime sleep while reinforcing motivation and success through this hypnosis for healthy eating. Guided imagery is a mind-body technique that consists of hypnotic suggestions, healing words and positive images, set to soothing wave sounds, to achieve the specific healing goals of healthy eating and positive body image. Repeated listening ensures maximum, cumulative and lasting impact. A separate track of continuous wave sounds ensures that the listener can stay in deep sleep long after the guided narrative of the self-hypnosis to lose weight is over. This evidence-based Health Journeys self-hypnosis for body image and weight loss was written and narrated by noted psychologist and behavioral health expert Traci Stein, whose superb voice and expert content delivers some of the most powerful and effective personal change tools in production today, and scored to soothing, sleep-inducing wave sounds engineered by the Cleveland Orchestra's Bruce Gigax. It is an ideal mind-body resource for psychologically healthy, lasting behavior change. The track list is as follows: Introduction (2:43)Imagery with Ocean Sounds (32:49)Ocean Sounds (4:36)Especially helpful for those who have sabotaged their own best intentions during the daylight hours, or for anyone who feels they can use the extra help available from the potent, receptive mind-state of sleep, this exciting new audio program of self-hypnosis to lose weight is the perfect platform for Traci Stein's superb technique and nuanced, psychological approach to building a strong body image and self-concept. Listen to an audio sample and see for yourself why Dr. Stein's popular guided self-hypnosis audios get such consistent rave reviews and referrals from therapists, health care providers, counselors, family and friends alike. (75 min.)