In 1914, Sigmund Freud first introduced the idea of a narcissistic disorder, but that concept was not made official until approximately 50 years ago.
Now, narcissism is a popular buzzword on social media, blogs, and online quizzes. But what is narcissism really about and how do you know if you’re in a relationship with one?
There is a vast difference between someone exhibiting narcissistic traits and someone afflicted with actual NPD or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In addition, other disorders can seem similar to NPD. We'll show you what to look for so you can tell the difference.
In Narcissism: Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder, we’ll explore how one becomes a narcissist, and what happens to a person that suddenly robs them of empathy—a trait directly tied to our humanity.
We will also cover what to do and how to navigate the very tricky process of dealing with a narcissist long-term, for parents with ex-spouses, for adult children of narcissists, or those who have a narcissist in the family.
How can you protect yourself or a loved one from falling victim to a narcissist? Narcissism: Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder can help you gain the knowledge necessary to survive the devastating results of narcissistic, emotional abuse. You’ll learn what to look for in determining if someone is, in fact, a narcissist.